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Solve the maze and amaze yourself!!

At times, you may be in a maze, and all you need to do is get through it on your own. Yes, people help, but not always. You help yourself, you boost your confidence, you evolve into a better personality.

I make decisions according to my present state of affairs. I may seem determined and fierce, but deep down, I'm more nervous than a kid who knows he's gonna fail but still waits for the results with the hope of a miracle to happen at the last moment. It's not like I don't try to obey them, I give my 110% and follow my mind until my heart pops up say- "you fool, where the heck are you heading to?" That's how I come to realize that the path I've been following so determinedly isn't the right one for me.

"You don't need to be consistent to one ideology, be consistent to one goal and evolve accordingly."

I'm not a consistent person. My actions differ every second and every time you see me, you'll come to know that I've got a new task to do or a new bucket list to be completed. I want you to know that my sense of analyzing things is the worst till now. I can perform any task you ask but if you ask for an analysis of something, I'm damn sure you'll never ask me again for the same. It's hard to decide everything at one time in one go, but why not give it a try.

"Your imagination may not be as perfect as you want it to be, but it will definetely not be as worse as much you're scared of it."

Making decisions, choosing between the actual right and what seems right is hard, but not impossible. At times, you may be in a maze, and all you need to do is get through it on your own. Yes, people help, but not always. You help yourself, you boost your confidence, you evolve into a better personality. What else will make you happier than the better person you've become. Keep working and relax when it becomes heavy. Take care. Love Love!!

1 Comment

Richa Singh
Richa Singh
Mar 06, 2022

I really enjoyed reading your blog di.. I hope you will keep writing like this...


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