Expressions need you as your partner to nail it!!
It's really a hard feeling when you want to express so much but you're not able to due to many factors. Yes I can feel you right now because maybe somewhere I'm feeling that too..............
"You've to make it happen for yourself by yourself!!"
We've seen people talking and sharing things with their close ones. I'm not specifying who the person is but trying to put light on something no one is concerned about. Why don't people talk to themselves first? It's you who knows you better than anyone else on earth then why do we rely on others. Trusting and listening to someone is good, but why don't you give yourself a try. Remember that moment when you had words but you couldn't let them come to your lips. It's really a hard feeling when you want to express so much but you're not able to due to many factors. Yes, I can feel you right now because maybe somewhere I'm feeling that too.
"How worse you can be with yourself? You never know!"
Expressing is not a skill, it's your truth for how much you're true to yourself. Everyone thinks that the expression of emotions takes place when there's a mutual agreement. No, you're completely wrong here. If you're not able to talk to yourself, you can't express yourself to anyone. Start treating yourself as that person who needs to know what you're doing and why. Mark my words, you'll be able to find words for your feelings as well as the courage to express them. Love love!!
Connected well 😍😍